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from a Pastor's Wife. 

the secret

is out

"One measure of friendship consists not in the number of things friends can discuss, but in the number of things they need no longer mention."

Clifton Fadiman

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enlighting blog

bible study blog

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Be Inspired.


Nice to meet you. 

Born and raised in western Pennsylvania, but actually a sun state girl in her heart. Vickie and her husband moved to Florida to escape the snow and ice 23 years ago. She often said of her life in winter “If you saw Bambi on ice you saw me, with one crutch sliding to the left, the other slipping right and a face plant in my future!”


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A few of the most recent stories of my most popular blog sections. 


These blogs are about topics that have guided me through some rough times surrounding religion. 

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Self help

Going through it alone shouldn't ever be the case. There are resources and ways that can help you get through it all. 

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One of the most powerful weapons against all adversity, sickness, and attacks to our mind, body, and soul. 

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View my Blog collections for more readings



Stay up to date with the latest subjects, topics and more below.

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Writers Nook

Welcome to a look into my nook!

Here is where you can find out about my thoughts on writing, and new and upcoming book releases.

Bible Study

"Living a Chocolate Life"

Fun, friendly, and engaging, Living a Chocolate Life invites women to savor God's rich and endless supply of grace in Christ. Whether they're sampling everything from bitter nuggets of pain to sweet morsels of joy, this study reminds readers that the Holy Spirit fills them with sweet faith in the Savior and it is only He who can truly satisfy.



Exciting news to share!

My new book "A Daily Sprint with the Runaway Nun: 25 Daily Devotionals for Everyday Women" is  available in eBook and paper. Click button to get your copy!


What's on your mind?

We are not in these situations alone. Don't see a resource that you would like or topic not covered? Fill out my contact form and I will see how to accommodate you.

Thank you. 

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